James 1:5
Ask for wisdom~it is given!
"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you."
One of the wisest, most wealthiest, smartest men in the Bible was King Solomon. Solomon had prayed to God for wisdom. To me, this is the best thing to pray for. Because of his wisdom, he became very wealthy, kind and very likeable. One of the stories in the Bible in 1 Kings 3:16-28 talks about how Solomon had used his wisdom to help two prostitutes and a baby. If you have not read this passage, I urge you to read it--it is a fantastic story!!
God is telling us that He wants us to ask for wisdom in everything. He will not rebuke you, but give it to you! It all comes down to trusting, though. We have to trust that God will give us wisdom. The belief that what we are wanting to know the answer to will appear. When using the Law of Attraction and the other laws that go with it, it stems from belief and trust. Ask for wisdom when you have a big decision to make, believe that you will receive that decision and go!!
Be the light 🌟
xoxo Cara