Jeremiah 29:11

Life enlighten ~ plans to prosper!!

6/30/20212 min read

God does not want us to be disadvantaged. I have often wondered why would a God create humans to watch them suffer. I know that we can not totally understand God, but this just seems so far-fetched to me!! God created us in his own image according to Genesis. He created the earth, light, animals, and humans. If he created everything so beautifully, then why would he want us to suffer and not enjoy his creations? Answer: HE WOULDN'T!! (Sorry for the all caps, but I really needed to make my point 😁)

God wants us to fulfill HIS purpose and to be happy. What is HIS purpose for you? That, my friend, is something that you have to figure out. But, I will give you a hint, we all have a similar purpose--to help others and to be kind. You will use your gifts that you received from God to help you with this in your own way. This is a whole separate blog that I will get to later. So, for now...God wants us to fulfill his purpose and to be happy.

If material things come to us, that is good! Be thankful for what you receive and move on. You do not only focus on the material things, but you should always be grateful for them. To preach God's word to all nations requires money. To live a life requires money. Everything in life requires money! God never said that we could not have money and that we should not have money. This notion that money is bad came from a misused and misinterpreted verse in the Bible.

1 Timothy 6:10 states "for the love of money is the root of all evil". Many Christians use this verse incorrectly. Many state that money is the root of all evil. This is so far from the truth! As I mentioned above, we have to have money to survive. What this particular verse is stating is that, God does not want us to love anything above him. The first commandment from Jesus states, "love the Lord, your God, with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your mind." Matthew 22:37. So, 1 Timothy 6:10 is stating the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.

I believe that we should all want to succeed and do better. And, I think it is wonderful to want more in your life as long as you are not putting that particular want over God. I also believe that we need to always give back. While we are receiving our blessings, we should try to bless others along the way. The second commandment Jesus gave is, "love your neighbor as yourself." If you want to see your neighbor succeed in life and aspire for more, than you want that for yourself and that is okay.

The more we read the Bible and truly understand the verses, the more enlightened we all will become. People tell me versus all of the time, and I always go and check them out for myself. Stay in the word and you should have nothing to worry about.

Aspire for more, do great works, love one another, help others, love God first and keep him first and so many blessings will come your way.

So much love to you 💖
