Mark 11:24~ What It Is and Why It Matters
It can be easy to ask, but to actually BELIEVE is a whole another story

Mark 11:24 is very similar to Matthew 21:22. Mark 11:24 is quoting Jesus when he says that we need to ask and then BELEIVE! It is usually pretty easy to ask for what you want, but it is the believing that you have received it.
You do not really need to know the how, just trust in God and act. Everything that God does is good, right? So, if that is the case, whatever you are asking for, if it is good and in His will, you will receive it. Sometimes you receive things that you think you want and later find out that they were not exactly what you wanted.
For example, I am a creative person by nature. I love writing books, creating posts, inventing, anything that uses my mind in a creative way, I am usually up for. I use to work in the corporate world and thought that I wanted to continue that path. Until, I became pregnant with my first son, I realized that I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom.
Of course it was crazy difficult and I realized that I never wanted to go back to the corporate world. It was terrible! I had so much freedom (well, as much freedom as you can have with a newborn 😉) But, I knew that I could easily be creative again and I did! I created my first invention when my first son was 6 months old. It was awesome, it was fun and it made me feel more like my old self (not that my new self was any less, but it was different). This particular part of my life will be for another blog post. I just wanted to give you a little background to the story that I need to finish.
After I started inventing, more inventions came and then eventually I felt God calling on me to write children's books. So, I did! I loved it and still do. Well, another business opportunity arose that would require me to manage people, and employees--something that I knew I did not want to do after I learned that it was not my strong suit. I prayed about it and felt God telling me to do it. So, I did!
I found out pretty quickly that I know myself pretty well and that I really did not like managing people or employees. I am definitely not complaining about this part of my journey because it was a lesson learned. God taught me that I yes, I could totally manage people and employees and be successful. He also taught me that I already knew that I did not want to go down that road.
So, yes, I asked for that particular endeavor, but I found out (quickly) that it was not really something that I wanted. God wanted me to go down that road so that I could learn from it.
This is the same for you! Every road that leads you on your journey is for your benefit. You are being taught every day to trust in God and listen to Him. Ask for your big wants (if they are truly good, they are for the Lord), and BELIEVE that this is your life. Just like when you order something from Amazon (come on, we all do it 😘. You press purchase and then know that it is coming to you. This is the same thing for believing your wants. If you asked for it, just wait (be patient, it can take time), it is on its way to you.
If you start doubting, make your affirmations and declare them. If you need any help, send me a quick message and I will send you a PDF and later I will send you a free ebook
God is a God of goodness. He wants His children to be happy, blessed and abundant. He wants you to ask Him (he already knows your wants and desires), so ask!
Much love ❤