Proverbs 23:7~Where is Your Focus?
What you focus on, you become...
Proverbs 23:7 is exactly the premise of the Law of Attraction. Whatever you put your focus on, it will happen. If you give focus to negative thoughts, guess what? Negativity will come to you. If you give your attention to positive thoughts, you guessed it, positive energy will come your way.
Here is a great way to think about it...when you do an internet search for "no meat dishes". What comes up on your browser? Tons of meat dish recipes, right? Well, this is the same thing for your life. If you keep stating that you do not want to have anxiety or you do not want to be in so much debt, or you do not want this pain in your life, or...(you fill in the blank), then you need to replace those thoughts or affirmations with what you do want.
Let me give you an example and what I have done in the past that helped me move past these mental blocks:
Write down a list for things that you do not want (ex: current job, life, partner, pain, etc.). Make sure you write it down in a list form stating all of the things you do not want in your life. For example: I do not want a low wage. Keep writing your list until you are done with all of your "do not wants".
Now, go through that same list and write down on another sheet of paper (please write it down. There is scientific evidence that when we put pen (or pencil) to paper, it helps our brain) the opposite of what you wrote down. So, for example, I wrote down that I do not want a low wage. The opposite of this would be: I want a generous salary. Write this new list for every item in your "do not want" list.
Once you have your new list, I want you to throw away your old list OR you can burn your old list (responsibly 😊) I like to burn it because, besides the fact that I am burning something (I promise, I am not a pyro, but I just feel in control, even for a bit), I think of it as completely gone. There is no way to bring back that piece of paper--ever!! I want to keep my new list (my new mindset) and focus on it. I will teach you more about affirmations and lists in another blog.
Your RAS (Reticular Activating System) starts above your spinal cord. It is about two inches long and it is where most of your senses come in. Your sense of smell goes into the emotional center of the brain. The RAS basically connects the subconscious part of your brain with the conscious part of your brain.
A great example of your RAS filter working is when you are searching for a certain type of car, say a white 4-Runner. Since you have activated your RAS filter, you will now start seeing a lot more white 4-Runners. It is not that there a more white 4-Runners on the road, it is just that you have activated your RAS filter and you are tuned in to seeing what you focus on.
Let me know if you really did burn your old list. Send a picture or an email or post it on Instagram and use the #IBurnedMyList and tag me @CaraLot7. Also, please let me know if you need any help with this, I am more than happy to help.
Have a fabulous day and be the light 🔆
xoxo Cara